Radio Correction

What is Invisalign (Wireless Orthodontics)?

Invisalign Treatment is a treatment method in which crooked teeth can be straightened by using transparent plaques instead of orthodontic wire treatment, which is specially prepared for the teeth.
What are the Advantages of Invisalign Treatment?
  • Can be removed while eating
  • Clear plates are invisible when viewed from the outside
  • invisalign can be removed from the mouth at any time
  • Problems such as bracket breakage, wire sinking are not encountered
  • No food restrictions
  • The patient knows more clearly when the treatment will end
Stages of Invisalign Treatment?
  • Impression of the patient’s teeth is taken
  • X-rays and photo recordings are taken
  • The measurements taken are transferred to the digital environment
  • Production of transparent plaques begins
  • The number of transparent plaques varies by case
  • This process may take 1-2 weeks on average
What is the Difference Between Invisalign and Orthodontic Wire Treatment?
  • There is no difference in terms of treatment duration and success
  • Invisalign is more comfortable and more aesthetic
  • It is not necessary to come to the doctor every month
  • Patients can consume whatever they want
What are the Causes of Orthodontic Problems?
  • Nutrition disorders
  • Mouth breathing
  • Finger sucking
  • Fake pacifier
  • Bad habits such as clenching, nail biting, pencil biting, lip biting
  • Premature loss of milk teeth
  • Irregularities due to tooth loss
  • Irregularities due to the compression of the anterior teeth by the wisdom teeth
  • Hormonal irregularities
  • Systemic diseases