
What is an Implant?

Screws made of titanium, which are used in the treatment of missing teeth and are placed inside the jawbone, acting as tooth roots.
What are the Advantages of Implant Treatment?
  • You can consume all kinds of food without any problems
  • Does not harm the teeth adjacent to the dental cavities
  • It is at a very high level in terms of aesthetics and durability
  • Eliminates rasping and bridging natural teeth
  • Relieves the necessity of using removable prostheses
  • Provides the perfect look
  • Provides fluent speech
  • Helps with oral health
  • Increases self-confidence
What are the Stages of Implant Treatment?
  • Clinical and radiological examination is performed
  • Implant is placed in the jawbone with local anesthesia
  • The average time to place an implant is 15 minutes
  • It takes 2.5 to 4 months for the dental implant to fuse with the bone
  • Temporary teeth are made during the waiting period.
  • Clinical and radiological examination is performed
  • Healing cap is attached to shape the gingiva (wait 7-10 days)
  • Then, measurements are taken by removing the healing heads and placing the spacers
  • The process of making the teeth begins (this process takes about 1 week)
  • Zirconium rehearsals are made, this process can take between 15 minutes and 1 hour depending on the number of teeth
  • Aesthetic rehearsals are made, presented to the patient’s liking, and corrections are made if necessary
  • In the final stage, zirconium teeth are cemented with special adhesive.
What Should Be Considered After Implant Surgery?
  • The tampon in the mouth should be bitten for 30-40 minutes
  • Ice application is recommended to minimize swelling (it should be done until bedtime, ice is kept for 10 minutes and removed for 10 minutes)
  • Don’t eat anything until the drowsiness is gone, you can drink water
  • Do not spit, gargle or rinse for one day
  • Do not consume alcohol or cigarettes for one day after the surgery
  • Avoid extremely hot, spicy, fizzy foods and drinks in the first few days
  • Use the medicines prescribed by your doctor regularly
  • The stitches are removed after 7 -10 days
Will the teeth placed on the dental implant be aesthetic?
Aesthetic and natural appearance is achieved thanks to the zirconium superstructures that have developed especially recently.
Is Implant Applicable to Everyone?
  • In individuals with sufficient or sufficient bone structure
  • It can be applied to individuals without systemic disability.
To Whom Implant Is Not Applied?
  • Some heart conditions
  • People with uncontrolled diabetes
  • rheumatic diseases
  • In cases where the jaw bone structure is not suitable
  • Young individuals who have not completed their bone development
  • Individuals who have received radiotherapy in the head and neck area
  • It is not applied to those who have bleeding or coagulation problems.
Is the Implant Process Painful?
As anesthesia will be applied in the area to be implanted, you will not feel pain and ache.
How Long Is the Life of the Implant?
If the dental implant is applied correctly and the patient does the implant care without interruption, it can last for many years.
What is the Warranty Period of the Implant?
  • Dental implants are guaranteed for life.
  • Warranty certificate is given after the implant
What Depends on the Success of Implant Treatment?
  • Good general health
  • Taking good care of oral hygiene
  • Do not drink too much cigarettes and alcohol
Is the Brand of the Implant Important?
It is useful to use a quality and certified implant brand.
Is Dental Implant Harmful?
  • There is no harm to the body.
  • Dental implants are made of titanium compounds that have no side effects to the body and do not cause allergic reactions.
Is there a risk of Implant Rejection by the Body?
The risk of the body rejecting the dental implant is negligible.
